Restore. Grow. Become.
Make a Difference.

Juniper Church is all about Jesus - first, last, and always.



We're hosting a FREE BBQ lunch for the community with all the fixings, including delicious pork, brisket, chips, water, and PRAYER for all who join us!

Sat, July 13, 2024 @ 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM
On Broadway Event Center,
Knoxville, TN

Next Steps at Juniper Chuch

  • 1. Water Baptism

    The most important step a person can take is to turn from their sins and commit their life to Jesus Christ. When someone receives Christ, their next step is to make that commitment public through water baptism.

  • 2. Attend Growth Tracks

    All of us were created by God to make a difference in the life of another person. We believe that your life will never make sense until you find, develop, and fulfill your God given purpose.

  • 3. Join a Group

    Fostering deeper connections with God and each other through meaningful discussions and shared experiences. Grow in faith, community, and understanding as you navigate life's challenges and celebrate successes.

There’s always something happening at Juniper!

View our events calendar for small group schedules, outreach opportunities, special events, and more!

All are always welcome.

How can we
pray for you?